Before you head to your meeting, be sure to print out your Personal Meeting Activity Report! This report will allow you to pass in slips in order to be included for the door prize entry as well as a synopsis of your weekly activity to announce during the referral and testimonial portion of the meeting!
Choose your Date Range and Report Type
- By default, the last 7 days will be selected. You can select a new date range by clicking on the date and selecting a new date from the calendar.
- Choose the report type as Slip or Table. Slip reports are formatted for entry at your weekly meeting. Table reports are formatted for your personal use and may also be exported to Excel or other spreadsheet software if desired.
- Click the GO button to proceed to the report view.
Personal Meeting Activity Report - Table View
- This section contains the report deatils and parameters.
- Click the EXPORT button to download this report in your local spreasheet software. Press the PRINT button to send this report to your local printer.
- The Referrals section will contain the details of your referral activity.
- Use the Vertical Scroll bar to see additional details of this report
- The TYCFB section will contain the details of your Thank You For Closed Business Activity.
- The One to Ones section will contain the details of your One to Ones activity.
- The CEUs section will contain the totals of your submitted CEU slips.
- Visitors must be reported manually at your weekly chapter meeting.
- Press the CLOSE button to return to the previous screen
Personal Meeting Activity Report - Slip View
- This section contains the report deatils and parameters.
- Use the PRINT button to print a copy of this report. Note: To export a detailed report, please utilize the TABLE style report.
- Referral slips are formatted in such a way so that the sheet may be cut out and passed in at the chapter meeting to be used for the door prize drawing. Using this form will also alert your Vice President that you have already entered this referral online.
The remaining sections of the report are orgnized in such a way that it makes it easy to announce your weekly activity during the referral and testimonial portion of the meeting.
- The TYFCB section organizes your Thank You's to announce at your meeting.
- The One to Ones section organizes your member one to one meetings to announce at your meeting.
- The CEUs section organizes your Chapter Education Units to announce at your meeting.
- Visitors should be recorded and announced as they attend the weekly meeting.
- Press the Close button to return to the Landing Page.
Happy Connecting!
Version 2014.07.22.1624
Copyright © 2014 BNI, All Rights Reserved
for some reason when I print my activity report it will show the referrals but the tyfcb section does not print. any suggestions?
having same problem
Matt\Cliff - thank you - we have raised this issue with the programmers and have confirmed that this will be resolved in this very next release, which is due towards the end of November. Thanks for your patience!
How do I print the Referral Slips so they are the same size as the hand written ones. One week I printed the report in a larger font and the referral slips were bigger but can't seem to do it again. Thanks for all of your great work in BNI Connect.
Hi Jeremy The system is great and much easier to record your activity but can I just make sure of a point that I am slightly unclear on please?
If I enter TYFTB online - cross chapter and internal does the MC still have to enter this on the palms (thus should I put my printed slip in the chapter TYFTB box) or will it show automatically after the MC has entered this weeks palms?
Also slightly confused my dashboard shows a much lower amount of TYFTB - is this because it only shows the system entries using connect that I enter? I entered over £9k last week online but my dashboard only shows £850 - sorry for all he questions
@Sharon - If you are entering the activity online through BNI Connect, then the MC does** NOT** enter the amounts into the PALMS, they should see the figures entered into the PALMS already! Entering them again would cause a duplication of the statistics.
The dashboard will always be about a week behind. This is because it will only update after your MC has submitted the official report following the meeting to do things like mark attendance and record any paper slips that may have been passed. You can tell which figures are included by looking at the slips review reports - if the status says DRAFT, then the MC hasn't completed the report yet.
Jeremy, When will we have a mobile app for referrals, TYFCB, CEUs, and One-to-Ones?
@Cathy - Development of the membership multi-platform access, enabling BNI Connect to be truly mobile, is underway and currently in the prototyping phase. Unfortunately, I don't have an anticipated time frame or release date at this time.
Hi Jeremy, I am a new member - I am unable to print the weekly slips as this option is not in My BNI Business Menu (I have tried to configure my links but this relates to the chapter sub menu - not the My BNI Business. I have attached a screenshot of my Menu. Could it be an incorrect profile set up applied to new members?
Each language\country in BNI Connect has the ability to name the links and other words in the system. It appears that you are viewing the UK version of English where they have translated this to "Activity Report for Chapter Meeting". This link will perform the same function as the US English version of the link in the screenshots above.
When I print my referral slips they are small (1 5/8 " x 3 1/4"). Not "normal" size and I don't not see a way of changing anything to make the size larger. can anyone help?
I just upgraded to Windows 10 and when I try to print weekly slips or anything in BNI Connect my home page behind the pop up for weekly slips prints with the slips making them un readable. I have tried removing background with no help. Any suggestions
I've found that if I log in to BNI connect with Google Chrome as the browser, the slips print fine.
Steve & Beverly ...
Matt is exactly right!
There is a known issue ... the same as you described! ... with Windows 10 and BNI Connect when printing.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug with their new browser that they call 'Edge' that is a part of Windows 10. It is not caused by anything within BNI Connect, and will be resolved as soon as Microsoft issues an update to Windows 10.
Aside from this one issue, we can say that within the BNI Connect Support Team, we have been using Windows 10 with Google Chrome since its launch and have found it to be very compatible with BNI Connect.
Hope that this helps ...
Any fix yet for printing my weekly slips "normal size" ...they print out much smaller. I see that others have had this problem and last comment was from Nov. 2015 that this was a bug with Windows 10....but I use Windows 7 still?
Looking forward to hearing back.....STACY
Just let me print my weekly slip!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do I close this screen so I can print my weekly slips????
sergio vicente
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