After attending a training or other authorized regional event, record your CEU's right away online by following these few simple steps!
3 Minute Video Showing How To Enter CEU's
Watch the above video or follow the steps below.
Complete the CEU Slip Entry
- Your name and date will automatically reflect the date the slip was entered. This slip will be automatically applied to the NEXT meeting's chapter PALMS report.
- The CEU categories will be listed in the Course Title column. For questions regarding which regional courses and training events are considered eligible for CEU credit, please contact your chapter's Director Consultant, Regional Admin or Executive Director.
- The number of credits per course is shown for informational purposes. Credits roughly represent the number of hours investing in continuing education.
- Enter the Quantity of each type of CEU activity you participated in.
- The Total Credits will be automatically calculated per course and quantity.
- The slip Total will be automatically calculated and displayed in the lower right corner.
- Click Save and New to submit this slip and immediately enter another referral.
- Click Save and Quit to submit this slip and return to the home screen.
- Click Close to discard this slip and return to the home screen.
Happy Connecting!
Version 2013.11.04.1324
What about mentoring? Is it a golden slip? If so, under which category and how many CEU's?
Mentoring is not currently recorded with a slip, though some areas will count it as a 1 to 1.
Hope this helps!
Thank you
Swapna Pujari
Goatimeline (Advertising agency ) India
What is an example of an Advanced BNI Training Module? Is a workshop or coursework through The Referral Institute considered Other BNI endorsed training?
Afternoon Jeremy. After the system upgrade, there is no option to enter your MSP OR LEADERSHIP units using the website. However it is still showing on the app, but one of our members are not using the app, so she cant log her MSP. Please advise how it she must log it, under which setion, as per below. Thank you, regards.
good university
It seems a little silly to have so many lines with different amounts of hours of learning, when we also have a scroll number at the end of each line for hours of learning. I know its a whole structure change but surely it would be simpler and less confusing to have one option with one scroll? A little more work in the long run, for a lot less confusion all round.....
1 Hour of BNI University or In Person Learning - with a scroll at the end form 1-10?
7 options which are all essentially the same with lots of scroll options at the end is just confusing - no wonder members don't know what to do when they arrive.
Please consider changing it to 1 option where members can achieve success when entering easily! Boom! Done, no more confusion :)
I've only been in BNI for 1 month. I completed my MSP within the first week. Despite Covid, I've done six of twelve 1-1 in a week. I'm now trying to get CEU. I just watched the above video. It's not large enough to see clearly what the instructor is describing & detailing; &, that should be fixed. Not my biggest issue. BNI wants members to learn. There should be an exact roadmap A-Z. *The biggest problem* is that we should not have to do all the steps to enter our training. It's complicated & unnecessary. Your software should allow one hand to know what the other hand has done. ONCE A COURSE HAS BEEN COMPLETED, IT SHOULD AUTOMATICALLY SHOW IN CONNECT. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO TAKE ALL STEPS TO ENTER. It just really steals motivation to learn. If someone is hungry to learn, you've created obstacles by requiring them to stop & record what you know already. We have logged in, taken a course, & completed a test that is recognized by your software. WHY CAN'T YOU SORT & LOG THE COURSE INFO FOR US. Just really tempers my enthusiasm to continue. I HATE REDUNDANCY & wasted (unnecessary steps/jumping through hoops).
ex. if may dashboard shows the following:
Presentation: 100 : 00 : 00
Training: 50: 00 : 00
What should be may total
CEU assuming I forgot to enter all my CEU's from the start?
CEU's should be 1 per hour that you have invested. In this case it would likely be (if I am reading correctly) 150 CEU's. Hope this helps!
I am new as of this week to BNI! I am currently taking several CE courses in my profession. Do these not get recorded? I only see BNI options unless I missed it. I think that it is important to show our network how dedicated we are to honing our skills if not currently a thing.
In my BNI Connect app, I do not see the option of entering CEU slips under My BNI Business. Is that option in a different location in some versions of the BNI Connect app? My version of the app is shown as: 3.15.0. Thanks.
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