Verify Your Chapter Selection and Choose Your Operation
- Verify your Country, Region and Chapter selection
- Click on Manage Memberships
- Click on Manage Members
Manage Members Search Screen
Searching for memberships will allow you to find the membership records for all chapter members - current and past. For a complete list, leave all search criteria empty. For maximum results, we recommend putting in the minimum search criteria. This will account for spelling and name differences as well as data entry errors. For example, if searching for Joe Smith, you may want to enter simply "sm" into the Last Name and perform the search. This will find Joe Smith as well as Joseph Smyth and many other variations that may have been entered for the member.
- Verify or choose a chapter selection. You can search by individual chapter or all chapters that you have access to. Leaving the selection set to "Select Chapter/Core Group" will return results from all chapters (including dropped chapters) that you have permission to view.
- Click the Back button to return to the previous menu.
- Enter your Name and\or Company search criteria.
- Select a status to search one specific type of status - Active, Suspended, Late, Expired, Dropped, Pending Member, Pending Renewal, Void. Leave selection set to "Select Status" to search all membership status types.
- Choose a date for "Renewals Due Until" to only search members with a renewal date up to the date selected.
- Press the Search Members button to begin the search.
- Press the Reset button to clear search criteria and begin a new search.
Search Results Screen
Edit Member Profile
The Membership Details Tab
Renew Member Screen
- Enter the renewal application date. Note: the additional membership time will be added to the current due date.
- If this member is renewing past their due date, choose whether to Charge a Late Fee.
- Choose the 1 Year or 2 Year Membership Period.
- Choose whether this is a Corporate or a Personal paid membership.
- Enter the Payer Name as it appears on the form of payment.
- Choose a payment option from available payment types in your region (Bank Transfer, Cash, Check, Offline Card Payment, Online Credit Card Payment*)
- Press Submit to finalize the application.
- Press Close to discard changes and return to the previous screen.
* Availability of online payment by credit card is specific per region. If chosen, you will be redirected to a credit card entry screen upon pressing submit.
Once the renewal has been entered, pending renewals can be viewed by going to Operations>Chapter>Manage Memberships>View Pending Applications
Happy Connecting!
Version 2013.0712.1618
I found this useful to know but do not see it being used in our region yet. Is there an automated, paperless application process in BNIConnect?
I tried it for my chapter as secretary/treasurer, but it did not give me the search feature in the Manage Members Search Screen, just the reset button was showing.
This process is currently available, however it is optional as to whether the region does this at a chapter level or continues to process applications at the regional office.
There is a fully online application process that is "in the works" although we do not have a definite time frame for when that will be released, though we are all very much looking forward to it!
Hope this helps!
Jeremy, How do we change the status of a member from dropped back to active. The member initially decided to leave the group, but reconsidered and we would like to change her status to active.
Terry ...
The only way to reactivate a dropped membership is to process a new application for that member. When initiating the new application, the system in step #1 will search for previous memberships worldwide and will find the dropped membership. You should use that record to convert them to a member.
The advantages of doing that are two-fold: not only do you assure that their previous membership history will be carried forward to their new record, but it will also save you some administrative effort in typing the new application <smile>
Hope that this helps ... let us know if you have any further questions ... always happy to assist!
Jeremy, I was able to renew a few people, but how do I take them out of pending and make them active?
Karen, This is done through the regional level operation of "Reconciling" the application, in other words marking it that payment has been received. Here is the help article for that particular activity:
I am looking for the form letter to complete to Decline a renewing member application
When declining a membership, your BNI Regional Director's office or your Chapter Director Consultant can be involved to provide the template needed.
At times, this could be customised, and that your Regional Office should be the involved to guide you through the process as specified in the Leadership Team manual.
We hope this helps.
I do not have the manage member option, only view pending applications. Our chapter chartered in May and there are numerous memberships due May 1st. Several would like to pay now. When will I get the option as VP to approve members for renewal?
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