The View PALMS feature is helpful for looking at individual PALMS report.
Verify Your Chapter Selection and Choose Your Operation

- Verify your Country, Region and Chapter selection
- Click on Meeting Management
- Click on View PALMS Summary
Select Date To Begin Search

- Click the Enter PALMS button to switch to PALMS Entry mode.
- Press the Back button to return to the previous screen.
- Enter a date to start the PALMS search from. Only weekdays that the chapter meets will be available for selection.
- Click the View Reports button to begin the query.
PALMS Report Query Results

- To view additional entries on a single page, use this drop down to select 10, 25, 50 or 100 entries per screen.
- This column will display the Meeting Date. This list is sortable by clicking on the column header.
- This column will display the user who submitted the PALMS report. This list is sortable by clicking on the column header.
- This column will display the Status of the PALMS report. This list is sortable by clicking on the column header.
- This column will display the Date the PALMS report was last modified. This list is sortable by clicking on the column header.
- To view additional results, click on one of the navigation buttons to move between pages.
PALMS Report Status

Holiday - This PALMS was submitted as a blank report for a week in which the chapter did not meet.
Draft - This PALMS report was saved in an incomplete state. Open this report to finish entering data and submit. Figures from a report in Draft mode will be excluded from Summary reports and other cumulative data.
Discarded - The PALMS for this meeting has been discarded. This week is available to be overwritten with a new report. Figures from a discarded report are viewable, but will be excluded from Summary reports and other cumulative data.
Completed - A completed PALMS report is finalized and submitted. Figures from completed reports will be included in all other reports and cumulative data.
Viewing a Saved PALMS Report

- This column will display the member's first names. Click on the column header to sort this list.
- This column will display the member's last names. Click on the column header to sort this list.
- Data Entry for the week. See PALMS legend below.
- Totals for the individual PALMS report.
- Remarks that were entered for the weekly meeting.
- If permission has been given, the Unlock PALMS report will appear at the bottom of the screen. Press this button to return this PALMS report to DRAFT mode for editing.
PALMS Legend:
RGI=Referrals Given Inside (Tier 1, Member to Member Referrals)
RGO=Referrals Given Outside (Tier 2 or higher)
RRI=Referrals Received Inside (Tier 1, Member to Member Referrals)
RRO=Referrals Received Outside (Tier 2 or higher)
1-2-1=Member 1-2-1 Meetings
TYFCB=Thank You For Closed Business
CEU=Chaper Education Units\Continuing Education Units
Note: Usage and description of PALMS columns are defined by country and may vary slightly.
PALMS Report In Draft Status

The issue some of our members are reporting is that we have zeros for things like TFCB, Visitors and other things that we know have been entered and are NOT zeros. "Dough in the Morning," another Naples group is showing as the group we are a part of. Could it be some of our entries have ended up under their group? Please check to see we get appropriate numbers. Thanks, Carolyn Marks
Carolyn, I think this issue lies in the back-end. We have our database team looking into it currently and hope to have it resolved shortly! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
I am getting ready move into a leadership role in our chapter and happen to be a programmer and was wondering if there is a way to import data into the palms reporting area. We currently don't have internet access in our meeting area and it would be helpful to do some of this at the meeting and import it afterwards. Just curious and wondering if this isn't available, if there is a plan for it? Thanks
Rich Siri
Michigan Early Riser's Chapter.
At this time there are no API's or the ability to import the PALMS Report (or other data) into BNI Connect.
However, this is a great suggestion! In order for this to be considered for a future release, please post this in our Suggestions & Enhancement Request forum, located here:
This will allow it to have greater visibility to the entire BNI Community and foster further creative discussion about this request. The more details you can give when you post the idea, the better! For example, please include:
* The intended audience that would use this feature
* How it would enhance the BNI experience or process
* What specific functions this would include
* Any other details that would help the business analysts, project board, and BNI Community to better envision your suggested enhancement to BNI Connect.
Please also take some time to browse through some of the other suggestions and comment\vote on them as well. This will help to raise the visibility of common requests so that they can be taken into consideration for upcoming release planning! And please, keep 'em coming, all ideas are welcome!
Why does the Testimonials column never show up when entering the PALMS data? Every other column is there, so I'm currently having to get someone at National Office to enter the number of testimonials for me. They told me it was my web browser but, this missing column does not show up at all on either Safari, Chrome or Firefox on my Apple MacBook Pro laptop. Funny this is that the column shows up when you print out! Anyone else had this problem?
Doug Canning, MC, Illustrious Chapter, Mill Hill, London.
One of our members are having trouble with her entries being in DRAFT status, even after I, as the admin has already submitted the PALMS report. She has entered her entries (referrals / thank you notes) before I submitted the PALMS report, and yet, her entries remain as DRAFT and not Completed. How do we go about helping her to solve this problem?
Thank you
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