Following up with chapter visitors is an essential part of maintaining communication with potential referral sources and future members of your chapter. BNI Connect makes it easy to retrieve the email addresses of your chapter's visitors to stay in touch with them.
Quick Steps
- Navigate to Operations>Chapter
- Click on Create Email>Email Chapter Visitors
- Choose your selection criteria and click next
- Copy the list of email addresses (CTRL+A to select all, or highlight with mouse, CTRL+C to copy, or right click and choose copy)
- Paste the addresses in the BCC line of your personal email program (CTRL+V to paste)
Verify Your Chapter Selection and Choose Your Operation

- Verify your Country, Region and Chapter selection
- Click on Create Email
- Click on Email Chapter Visitors
Choose Your Visitor Selection Criteria

- Click the Back button to return to the previous screen.
- Choose a date range for finding chapter visitors.
- You may choose All, One, or Multiple visitor categories. To select multiple categories, hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard while selecting with your mouse.
- Press the Reset button to clear the search criteria and start over.
- Press next to generate the email list based on your search criteria.
Chapter Visitor Email List

- Use your mouse to highlight the email addresses and copy them to the clipboard. You can use CTRL+C (Command + C on a Mac) or right click and choose copy.
Paste the Addresses Into a New Email

Happy Connecting!
Version 2016.05.20.1324
Copyright © 2016 BNI, All Rights Reserved
this was very helpful, thank you. Is there any way to create a list of those invited? I invited 15 business owners to our upcoming Visitors Day and have been asked to give that list to the organizer. Having typed all the info into emails for invitations, I don't think it is a good use of my time to re-create the list again.
Donna M. Smith
Organizing the Details LLC
Unfortunately, there isn't a "sent items" or reports for this particular tool - it is a very simple way to create an email, but it isn't tracked at this time. However, that is a great suggestion for a future enhancement!
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