Video Lesson
An in detailed lesson is available as part of the Deep Dive series on BNI Business Builder
Click on Manage Goals > Enter Chapter Goals

- Click on Manage Goals
- Click on Enter Chapter Goals
Chapter Goals - Vision and Mission Statement
- Click the Chapter Goal Guide button for a detailed description of the Success Drivers and mechanisms for achieving them.
- Click the Back button to cancel any changes and return to the previous menu.
- Click the Month & Year from which you would like to start entering goals. You are able to enter up to 6 months of goals at a time.
- The Long Term Vision should be a statement about your primary high level goals for your chapter. Think Big!
- The Mission Statement should concisely describe your chapter's personal philosophy about how you will achieve your goals.
- Click the GO button when you are ready to proceed to the goal entry screen.
Goal Entry Details

- You may click the Chapter Goal Guide at any time as a reminder of Success Drivers definitions and mechinisms.
- Clicking the back button will DISCARD all unsaved changes and return you to the previous screen.
- You may choose to enter goals "Per Member". For member based goals, the multiplier for the number of members will come from the Members in the Chapter goal NOT the current number of members in the chapter. For example, a chapter currently has 25 members and has a goal to have 27 members in the first month in goal setting; the multiplier will be 27.
- You may choose to enter goals "For Whole Chapter". The number entered will be a total for the month. The goal numbers in the chapter goal view will be exactly what is entered in the goal entry.
- Months will display horizontally from left to right.
- Each Success Driver is listed with the title.
- The each column is aligned with the individual Success Driver.
- Use the vertical scroll bar to enter additional goals.
Success Drivers

Save Your Goals

- Press the SAVE button to submit your goals. Note: You may press the save button at any time during Goals entry to save your progress and continue entering data.
- Pressing the DISCARD CHANGES button will lose all unsaved data entry.
When you are finished, simply click the BACK button at the top of the screen or navigate to another function.
Happy Connecting!
Version 2020.11.12.1524
Copyright © BNI, All Rights Reserved
What officers have permission to enter chapter goals?
Who has permission to enter these goals?
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