Verify Your Chapter Selection and Choose Your Operation
- Verify your Country, Region and Chapter selection
- Click on Meeting Management
- Click on Enter PALMS
Review Visitors for PALMS Credit
Visitors that have been added since the last PALMS entry will be displayed for review. Note that the PALMS credit will be applied to the meeting date that they visited, even if the PALMS report has already been submitted previously. If no visitors have been added to BNI Connect, this screen will be bypassed.
- The visitor name will be displayed in this column. Click the visitor name to be taken to the editing screen for the visitor record where corrections can be made, including the date of visit. Note: visitor editing permission must be enabled by your regional office or an "access denied" screen will be displayed.
- The name of the person that will receive the "V" credit in the PALMS is listed in this column.
- The person who entered the visitor in BNI Connect will be displayed in this column.
- The date of visit will determine which weekly PALMS report the credit will be entered for.
- Choose whether or not to apply the "V" credit in the PALMS report. Selecting YES will update that week's PALMS, even if it has already been submitted. Selecting NO will bypass adding credit for this visitor. Once a selection is made, you will not be prompted again.
- The PALMS Link column will display the status of that week's PALMS report. Click on the link to view the PALMS to determine if there will be a duplicate Visitor credit for that week's meeting.
- Click the CONTINUE button to go directly to the PALMS entry screen to bypass the visitor entry. You will be prompted again to accept or reject any remaining visitors the next time you return to the PALMS entry screen.
Select Date To Begin Entry
- Click the View Chapter PALMS button to switch to PALMS VIEW mode.
- Press the Back button to return to the previous screen.
- Enter a meeting date to enter the PALMS for Only weekdays that the chapter meets will be available for selection.
- Click the Enter PALMS button to open a new report.
PALMS Entry Screen
- The Date for which you are entering a new PALMS report.
- The Slips Audit Report will show all the online slips that have been entered for that week's meeting that have already been applied to the PALMS report.
- Use the Print PALMS Sheet to generate a worksheet for tallying PALMS results on paper before entering online.
- Members will be listed vertically. You may sort alphabetically by First Name or Last Name by clicking on the column headers.
- PALMS results per member will be listed in each row horizontally. Please see the following legend for an explanation of terms.
PALMS Legend:
RGI=Referrals Given Inside (Tier 1, Member to Member Referrals)
RGO=Referrals Given Outside (Tier 2 or higher)
RRI=Referrals Received Inside (Tier 1, Member to Member Referrals)
RRO=Referrals Received Outside (Tier 2 or higher)
1-2-1=Member 1-2-1 Meetings
TYFCB=Thank You For Closed Business
CEU=Chaper Education Units\Continuing Education Units
Note: Usage and description of PALMS columns are defined by country and may vary slightly.
PALMS Entry Screen Continued
- Enter the appopriate PALMS data into the corresponding sections for each chapter member.
- Use the vertical scroll bar to view additional data entry lines. The column headers will remain locked in place.
- Use the horizontal scroll bar to view additional data columns that may be used in your area, such as CEU's.
- As you enter data, the totals will accumulate at the bottom of the list.
- Use the Remarks section to enter brief historical details about your weekly meeting. Up to 256 characters may be entered.
- Click the "Submit PALMS" button to finalize your report.
- Click the Mark As Holiday to submit this report as an empty report signifying that your chapter did not meet on this week.
- Click the Save As Draft to save your progress to finalize the report at a later time. You can use the View PALMS function to go back to this report.
- Discard PALMS will cancel the report completely. This cannot be undone.
Completed PALMS Report
Once submitted, you will have an opportunity to review the entered PALMS report.
- Press the Enter PALMS button to return to the entry screen to enter an additional weekly report.
- Press the Back button to return to the previous function.
- Press the Unlock PALMS button to adjust entries on this report. Note: if the Unlock button is absent, this function must be performed by your regional office.
Happy Connecting!
Version 2015.10.26.1224
Copyright © 2015 BNI, All Rights Reserved
Thank you Jeremy:-)
MY screen does not have a meeting management to pick
I suggest you maximize the input values for certain fields, or at least give a warning.
This would provide user input error. For example the 121 and TYFCB are beside each other.
We just had someone type 145000 to 121 field, and this spoiled the whole Hungary 121 report.
RGI=Referrals Given Inside (Tier 1, Member to Member Referrals) : max 100
RGO=Referrals Given Outside (Tier 2 or higher): max 100
RRI=Referrals Received Inside (Tier 1, Member to Member Referrals) max 100
RRO=Referrals Received Outside (Tier 2 or higher) max 100
V=Visitors : max 200
1-2-1=Member 1-2-1 Meetings max 200
CEU=Chaper Education Units\Continuing Education Units max ?
I suggest you add a thousand separator mask to this field, it would help prevent mistyping bug numbers.
For example sbdy had a 200000000 HUF TYFCB, mistyped one zero 2000000000 and by this they spoiled
the whole Hungary statistics.
Hello, when entering TYFCB on the weekly PALMS report, how do we notate who did the thanking so their "Revenue Received to My Business" on their "My BNI Business" home page is updated? Example, JO submits a blue TYFCB to KK in the amount of $1725. In the PALMS report, the VP enters under KK's column $1725, but there's no where to mark that it's from JO and her "Revenue" numbers aren't changing. Am I missing something? Thank you.
Hello Jennifer,
Frankly : JO should start using BNI Connect on her own, and enter her slips for herself.
The slips doesn't contain who it is from, and that's for a reason.
It's a common misuse, that VPs do the members' job. If it takes 5 minutes per week for a member to take care of their administration, then it takes 30*5minutes for the VP. That's 2,5 hours!
Hi Jennifer,
For TYFCB to update in the members' Revenue Received to my Business line on their dashboard, the slip needs to be entered online.
Whereas for entries using paper slips, this is not updated.
Therefore Balazs' suggestion to encourage members to submit their TYFCB online has many merits.
One of the reason the PALMS itself does not have a TYFCB Received column is for confidentiality purposes. People can know how much I gave out but what amount of business I received is confidential, so this data needs to be protected and only the person logging in can see their own figures from their own landing screen.
We hope this helps to understand better.
Yes of course. As usual. Thanks.
The instructions say:
Click the Mark As Holiday to submit this report as an empty report signifying that your chapter did not meet on this week.
Here's my question:
We took this week off (and will take the next three weeks off). Does Mark As Holiday clear the 121s, closed business, and referrals that we give each other over this time? If so, how do you recommend I capture that data? If not, then I'll use it.
Being a new chapter, I would appreciate if I could get clarity on entering Testimonial in PALMS. My query:
Whose name should be entered in column "T". Is it member who gives the Testimonial or member who receives the Testimonial?
There is a t missing in the word Chapter in this part:
CEU=Chaper Education Units\Continuing Education Units
What is the cut off date for members to enter their Palms activity? I thought it was the time that the chapter meeting ended, however I was recently told it was the night before at 11:59PM. Which is it?
@annette - the cut off time is the END TIME OF THE MEETING. For example, if you meet on Thursdays from 7-8:30AM, at 8:31 everything will start going to the next week's meeting.
Hope this helps! If you have additional questions or wish to troubleshoot, please start a support ticket.
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