The Member Details reports are excellent tools for finding out more about your fellow chapter members. These can be used as an introduction before a 10 minute or keynote presentation at your chapter, as a GAINS exchange before a 1-2-1, or to have a few commercials handy in the event that you are unable to make it to a chapter meeting. Note: All information in this report is directly pulled from the "My Account" section of your profile.
Verify Your Chapter Selection and Choose Your Report

- Verify your Country, Region and Chapter selection
- Click on Member Details (4 reports)
- Choose which report you would like to view. Note: You may switch between reports in the active report window.
Choose a Chapter Member

- Choose a chapter member from the drop down list
- Click the Go button to proceed to the report. Click the Back button to return to the report selection menu.
Chapter Member Details - View Member Bio
- Report name and parameters summary
- Use the Export button to open this report in a spreadsheet format on your local computer, such as Microsoft Excel or Numbers.
- Use the Print button to print a copy of this report on your local printer.
- Click the highlighted blue GAINS to switch to the GAINS profile report.
- Click the highlighted blue TOPS to switch to the TOPS profile report.
- Click the highlighted blue Commercials to switch to the Commercials profile report.
- This section will show the profile details of the report selected.
- When you are finished viewing the report, press the Close button to exit.
Happy Connecting!
Version 2016.05.20.1224
Copyright © 2016 BNI, All Rights Reserved
Nothing shown on this site is available to me on my account. Just don't understand the inconsistencies, and we pay for this
What do the categories "Fives" " Sixes" and "CATS" refer to? I can't find a meaning anywhere on the site on the help page
The CATS report is only used in a very few areas around the world. That being said, here is some information about them:
Who should use the BNI Member Commitment Report?
This report is for everybody in the Chapter, but in particular the Leadership Team and the Membership Committee. Great Membership Committees are concerned about the level of activity of members and results they are getting. Best practice involves looking at this report to get a sense of who is doing great, and who needs mentoring and support. Everybody in the Chapter needs to contribute and it is the Chapter Leaders responsibility to make sure everyone get assistance and support when needed. In BNI we look after our own!
What are the Fives, Sixes and CATS columns?
These are measures of member commitment to Givers Gain® over a rolling 6 month period. We know that closed business is the goal, but how do we get there? We get there by members attending the weekly BNI event. We get there by doing great 121s with our fellow members. We get there by inviting Visitors and introducing them to BNI and to the members of our Chapter.
How are the FIVES calculated?
The Fives column in the BNI Member Commitment Report is calculated as follows: Attendance + Substitutes – Late – Absent + Visitors + Referrals GIVEN + 121s (Dances). The period covered is 6 months of activity. Generally speaking Chapters require members to achieve a FIVES score of 50+ over 6 months, but that’s up to Membership Committees to decide for themselves what is appropriate!
How are the SIXES calculated?
The Sixes add in to the Fives 1 point for every $1000 of closed business given by a member. Why did the members want that? Because it is important to take into account results when assessing a members commitment to Givens Gain®
What do you mean by “the SIXES inform the FIVES”?
It is great when someone demonstrates commitment by being active, but unless we take results into account when assessing someone’s performance we may miss the opportunity to help that person be active and great at the same time! Ideally someone REALLY active is doing so with great skill, and is getting result for the members! This is why we say the SIXES inform the FIVES.
What CATS?
BNI Chapters with members that want to be held accountable for their activity and commitment to Givers Gain® are those that make the most closed business, and CATS stands for Chapter Accountability Tracking System. CATS was developed by the members of BNI because they are really serious about getting result for their members.
CATS is a more sophisticated measure of performance that gives different weightings to the activities that lead to closed business. This is how CATS is calculated:
- Plus 1 for each 121/Dance.
- Plus 1 for every Internal Referral.
- Plus 1 for every 1 Thousand Dollars of Closed Business given credited to the member.
- Plus 2 points for every External Referral.
- Plus 2 points for every Visitor recorded against the members’ name on the PALMS.
- Less 2 points for each Absence without a substitute.
How should the BNI Member Commitment Report be used?
Great practices include sharing the report each month at the weekly BNI event. This report is definitely useful when assessing Chapter Health and the performance of members in the Chapter, and is used extensively by Membership Committees for planning purposes. We recommend you also bring any matters of concern to the attention of your BNI Director so he/she has an opportunity to contribute!
Jeremy, we do not have a "Member Details" tab on our chapter reports page. It is impossible to print out or export members' Bios. Please advise
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