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Roster Report



  • Mr Ajit Sakhardande

    In the 90 day PALMS what does " T " indicate? whether it is training points or what?

    Secondly T description is not listed in the abbreviation list provided on top of member table.


  • Jeremy Walsh


    Thank you for the observation!  In a few countries, there is a custom "T" column that is used to register Testimonials given by the member.  I believe the UK and a few other places may record this activity.  However, as it is not a universal worldwide function in the PALMS, it is excluded from this particular training\documentation.

    Hope this helps!


    this needs to be updated to reflect emails addresses also.

  • Boyd Campbell

    Section 5 is not the PALMS summary activity. It has a piece or two of PALMS. But that doesn't make it PALMS. There's a "121" column for which I've not found any explanation anywhere. Help?

  • Jeremy Walsh


    Here is a quick description of the columns - I will be sure to update the help document as soon as I am able.

    • G = Sum of all referrals GIVEN, both inside and outside referrals.
    • R = Sum of all referrals RECEIVED, both inside and outside referrals.
    • V = Visitors that the member has brought to the group
    • 1-2-1 = 1 to 1 meetings this member has participated in.
    • L = Number of times the member has been LATE
    • Abs = Number of times the member has been ABSENT

    One way to use this report is as a "quick glance" of a member's activity level over the past three months.  For example, some red flags may be that a member has not done many 1 to 1 meetings or given\received any referrals at all in the last 90 days.  This could indicate that the member is either struggling or becoming disengaged and may need help.  Similarly, this mini-report can be used to recognize high performing members in the chapter.

  • Boyd Campbell

    Ah...makes total sense. Thanx much for the clarity Jeremy! And thanks for adding the mods of the verbiage to your list (which I'm sure is lengthy).

  • Mr Ajit Sakhardande

    Hi Jeremy,
    This looks to be really a quick glance for membership committee & Mentors to help struggling members. of course for recognition too.. thx

  • Mr. Mick Garza

    Good Morning,

    The VP of my chapter Kadie Nolan just sent me some pertinent info that I believe I should have received.

    I checked our chapter roster and I noticed I am not listed and I believe that is why.

    My name is Mick Garza I am currently serving as the Growth Coordinator for the Trusted Professionals of Sarasota.

    Please advised on how I can get the information in the roster so that I receive all the information to help GROW or chapter.

    Thank you very much,

    Mick Garza

    Now That's A Wrap


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