The new BNI Connect Landing Page for members includes:
- Easy access to common management functions
- Customizable shortcut lists
- Immediate visibility of your personal PALMS activity
- Electronic slip entry
- New reports to track your online activity
Update your status!

Quick Access To Profile Management!

Quick Snapshot View of Your BNI Activity!

Customizable Shortcut Lists!

Enter your slips electronically and follow your activity with all new reports!

Jeremy, We have a member that joined quite some time ago and still has no access to BNI Connect. After months and many various requests, he's still not been able to access the website and because of that has not been able sign up for his success training. He's getting frustrated and can't seem to find anyone to help him. Can you email me with who he should contact and I'll pass that on? We're in the Bold Business Builders group in Maryland. Hi name is Derrick Williams.
Thanks for your help, Pat Miller Sec/Treasurer
It would help if you emailed me directly since I may never find this exact forum again!! :)
where do I find the Electronic PDF Dance cards? I used to have them and thought they used to be on BNI connect but i must be looking in wrong places
Aloha, I have been a BNI member of the Lahaina Chapter for about three months, and have just found BNI connect on my own, but need some help with the website, setting up my profile. If there is any assistance for new members please let me know. Thank you.
Ann ...
Great to hear from you ... happy to help!
Some of the following information should help you getting started with BNI Connect:
* Completing Your Member Profile*
This may be useful in getting to know your chapter members:
*Chapter Reports - Member Details Reports*
Also ... there is excellent Documentation and Training resources that can be found in:
*BNI Connect Support Forums*
Hope that this helps ... Larry
How can i set up my page as I only seem to have limited access to updating my profile ,which includes name, phone number email and avatar.
I can not see the in to further update any information to integrate into the online community
@Ferne - there is a series of live and recorded videos that step through this process. There are a total of 5 in the series, the first one deals with the profile and getting that configured.
Hope this helps!
does not lead to landing
I have a question you may be able to help me with. When does a new chapter get to use BNI Connect. My son is in a new chapter and you would think that BNI would give the new chapter and it's members the tools to be successful in the beginning stages. Do they have to have a certain number of members as I thought BNI Connect was part of the membership for each member.
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