Discover the BNI Connect Mobile app and learn about many of the features available in the palm of your hand - such as instantly passing referrals, recording your 1 to 1s and sending a visitor invitation!
But wait.... There's more! Also learn how the mobile app ties into the full BNI Connect web experience and how you can gain amazing insight into your membership now that you are entering your activity digitally. For example - find out who your best referral source and TYFCB generator is and who you haven't had a 1 to 1 with in a while.
Link to above video:
For the next live presentation please see your regional event calendar or the full list of BNI Connect webinars located HERE.
Jeremy Walsh I cannot load BNI Connect Mobile app on my iPad Mini 4 I do not see the app available
I need to renew my membership. Can I do it through the App
How can I upload my photos in BNI app ?
Can i register for trainings using this app? If yes, how?
Where can I find my attendance record?
How do I upload a testimonial for another member from the app??
It is extremely hard to find anther chapter by state, miles from zip code.
Printing slips
How to input TYCB from past member from another chapter?
my app WILL NOT let me sign in, despite repeated attempts, AND by deleting the app and then re-loading it onto my iphone. I can log in on the website, ONLY by always selecting the forgot password prompt, NOT by putting in my established user name and password. EVERY SINGLE time I want to log in, on the computer of course because this does not work on my app, I have to select forgot password after I try to log in.
This article says: “For example - find out who your best referral source and TYFCB generator is and who you haven't had a 1 to 1 with in a while.” but I don’t see any way to actually do these things. Of course I can browse through the records and painstakingly figure this out, but this is the exactly the kind of thing that should be automated!
I have entered a number of slips on the app but they haven’t actually been recorded. They only show under the given slips tab. Does it take a few days to load them?
I used the app (on an android phone) for a few weeks, but now it will not let me log in. Whenever I attempt to log in for the last two weeks I get the "app.login.signingin" notice and that's it. Hangs there -- never logs in. I use the same login ID and password as when I go to the website on my computer. I've deleted the app and reinstalled -- didn't help. Has an "update" broken it?
Having the same issue - any recommendations to correct?
What I did was change my password and set the same old password, I have an iPhone, hope it is helpful.
I recently installed the latest update -- thanks for fixing the log-in issues guys! Hope everyone else has had the same results. If you deleted the app try installing again, or uninstalling and resintalling. If you have an option to update just do that.
Please help me regain my Admin Rights for BNI Kampala-Uganda I mistakenly signed in using the mobile app to help members while illustrating but I ended up being attached to Antactica and I can nolonger operate as an admin for my region.
Eva Biira Maswere,
BNI Admin Kampala-Uganda,
Peut on modifier une recommandation déjà saisie ? (Externe -interne) ?
The Visitor Registration in Mobile app is equivalent to Register a "Prospective" Visitor in BNI Connect Web?
I can not log in on my laptop. Only on my android. I've changed my password on my laptop. But, it says I've successfully changed it. I go back to log in screen in laptop, and I get an werir every time.
When adding an external referral, the continue button is hidden off screen so it’s impossible to click. Details have to be manually added.
@derek - we are aware of that bug with certain phones where the contact has many fields of data on the contact card. We hope to resolve it in an upcoming release - thank you!
I want to check upcoming Tranings in region & global which I can attend online on mobile app is that possible ?
@mridula there isn't a global directory for local training opportunities. However, there are a number of events open up to all members globally. Your executive and national directors will have the access links.
Since a recent update I’ve seem to of lost £30000 thank you for the business? Why has that happened?
How do I apply for training programmes
Ub. J
Buen día, requiero cambiar mi razón social del negocio como puedo hacerlo? Me apoyan!
How can I record testimony for my Colleugue
Good day. Please assist with the bni connect app for South Africa. I have a new Huawei phone and the connect app is not available on the app gallery. Thank you
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