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How the Online Slips, Mobile App and PALMS work together!




    It is awesome to see we can enter referrals any where and any time

  • Mrs. Madelyn Tyson

    How do we enter 1-2-1s with a person from a BNI in another country?

  • Jeremy Walsh

    @madelyn - at this time we can only enter activity with a member within our own region.  This is something that we hope to expand to include other members within the country - that update we hope to happen later this year.  Cross country activity is still being decided for a possibility in the future.

    Hope this helps!

  • Ms Ginny Grabowski

    How do we check our attendance?

  • Ms. Beth Barnes

    My prior entered referrals ceus and other data is not showing up in the app. How do I fix this?

  • Mr Mark Lightfoot

    How do we record activity across chapters within the same country?

  • Mr. Annie Lewis

    Escrow officer

  • Mrs. Michele Creager

    My Visitor count isnt correct how can that be remedied?

  • Kim Edwards

    Can I print my PALMS month by month report on the mobile app? I can't locate it anywhere.

  • Mr. James Carmona

    Sarah clemens

  • Mr. Robert Templeton

    Regarding Podcast course credit, does 5 podcast completed equal ONE credit, or Five?

    If I’ve listed to five, do I enter five in the blank, or is it one?

  • Jeremy Walsh

    The general idea behind CEU's is 1 hour = 1 credit.  Since podcasts are generally 12 minutes or so, 5 of them would be 1 credit  :- )

  • Mrs Susan Ball

    How do I record revenue received ?

  • Ms. Julie Woodard

    Yes i need to know that too. My revenue received is way off.

  • Mr. RAJA R.S

    Hi , I have one suggestion, regarding referrals that we receive from other partners, can we able to put weather that referrals are done or not done , in BNI connect app

  • Mr. RAJA R.S

    Hi , I have one suggestion, regarding referrals that we receive from other partners, can we able to put weather that referrals are done or not done , in BNI connect app


    how long do the slips stay online?

  • Mrs. Yona Gregory

    When I enter a slip online it doesn't show up right away in my summary, I entered a one-to-one as a Slip and it doesn't show up

  • Signor Amedeo Villa

    Ok but nothing other comment

  • Tom Hinton

    How do I enter BNI University credits for CEUS?

  • Jeremy Walsh

    Great to hear from you, hope all is well!

    POINTS in BNI U and CEU credits in BNI Connect are two different things.

    There are two different types of scoring and credit going on - one is automatic, and one is manual.

    The BNI University platform (hosted by a company called Schoox) has a built in scoring system and leader-board. This system is based on 1 point per MINUTE for most content. This is calculated automatically and may not match up exactly with the number of minutes\hours because it does not count idle time during calculations.

    BNI Connect and many chapters globally (though not all) have recorded CEU credits as part of the PALMS report. This predates BNI U in many places that are using CEU's and has always been a manual process of submitting a slip on paper or through the mobile app\online through BNI Connect. CEUs are based on 1 credit per HOUR that you invested in learning. Note that the items on the slip are for suggestions only - just make sure you choose something that fits with the number of hours you spent.


    Hope this helps!

  • Mr. Ricky Trione

    This response by you, Jeremy, was very clear and comprehensive!  Thank you so much for taking the time to give this response, because many of us have been asking the same question.

    Thank you so much, Jeremy!

  • Mr Fraser Lang

    How can I see the previous referrals received in previous months in order to update my TFTB? It appears only to show the current month?

  • Mrs. Anseri Nel

    Morning. Anyone that can assist to print weekly slips from cell phone. It seems to generate and gives a proof print, but doesn't want to save to pdf on cell or print to my printer, it comes out blank, even though in the proof I could see all slips.
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards Anseri

  • Jeremy Walsh

    @anseri - there is a current CHROME related bug with the printing of slips from the mobile app.  The developers are aware of it and working towards a fix.  Thank you for your patience!

  • Mr. Mustafa Hakimi

    How to cancel a double entry of thank you note

  • Mr. Sanjay Gupta

    mn mngji

  • Ms Rebecca Fung

    Hi, may I ask how to delete the wrong enter? The button has turned grey.


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